Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Republic- A form of government that allowed for people to elect officials. It was a complex government with constitution and detailed laws.

Patrician- An aristocrat or nobleman

Plebeian- A commoner, member of the lower class

Tribune- Title of elected officials in rome

Consul- An official that goes into forgien land and promotes and protects the land he came from

Senate- The state council, which shared legislative power with the popular assemblies, adminstration with the magistrates, and judical power with the knights

Dictator- A ruler with total power over a country, usually one who obtained control by force

Legion- Unit of 3,000-6,00 roman soliders

Punic Wars- Series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage

Hannibal- The second war of the Punic Wars

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


For my essay Im gonna write about: Theater.
In my first paragrpah im gonna talk about the two genre of theater, comedy and tragedy. I'm also gonna talk about how they discovered the two genres. In my second paragraph im gonna talk about some playrights for Greece and some of the famous and influetianal ones. In my next paragraph im gonna talk about some of the famous plays and who they were written by. In my fourth paragraph im gonna talk about the structure and some the places where plays were held. In my final paragraph im gonna talk about how greek theatrer influences theater and movies now.

Monday, April 20, 2020


1. Who were three major philsophers?
a. Socrates                                                                     
b. aristotle
c. plato

2. What war brought the plague back to Greece?
a. World War II
b. Vietnam War
c. Peloponnesian War
d. Korean War

3. Name three important Greek architecture.
a. Temple of olympian
b. Parthenon
c. Temple of Hara

4. Name two major genre of Greek theater.
a. Tragedy
b. Comedy

5. Name three important gods that the Greeks worshipped.
a. Zeus
b. Poseidon
c. Hades

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Athena, goddesses of victory, carrying her staff like her old man Zeus carrying lighting.
Poseidon, god of the sea, commanding the sea like his big brother upstairs. Last but not least, Hercules. He was a roman god and hero and the son of Zeus

Friday, April 17, 2020


1. Plato's forms assert that the physical realm is only a shadow, or an image of the true reality of the realm of forms.
2. The producers, the auxiliaries, and the guardians.
3. He thought women were physically weaker then men. he believed women should be equal with men.
4. A noble lie is a lie of religious nature, knowlingy propagated by elie society to matain social order.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Greek architecture

The parthenon combines elements of the doric and ionic orders.Basically a doric peripteral temple, it features a continuous sculpted frieze borrowed from the ionic order, as well as four ionic columns supporting the roof of the opisthodomos.

The temple of Athena Nike is a temple on the Acroplis of Athens. The temple is the earlist fully ionic temple.  It's a walled sanctuary that is protected by walls on the north, east, west and south.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


1. Tragedy and comedy

2.  I recently watched Jumanji. The movie was a comedy and it related to greek comedy because it had crude hurmor that isn't actually funny but makes you laugh and it makes fun of characters weaknesses as well.

3.  This is a greek theater It has a big stadium like vibe that can fit many people it has a big stage for everyone to see and it has a ciruclar bench for the audience so you can see from every angle.