Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Cyberschool and the corona has changed us for the worst. People want to break the rules, people want to hangout with others. I think that people in America break the rules because someone is telling them what to do. No one listens the president or the governer no one wants to listen until something bad happens to them. Cyberschool has probably stressed out most of the school because teachers are giving us so much work. I feel like the work is causing us to give up not encouraging us to do it. I do feel like people are getting lazy because you know when your home you feel relaxed like you can do whatever you want but its also on the students to get work done. Im hoping the teachers will start to change the work as we begin the 4th quarter and get closer to the end of the school year. I do actually miss school and friends and I hope May 1st is the last quarentine day.

Thursday, March 26, 2020


The plague that hit athens came from overseas into Athens and then wiped out 1/3 of athenian population. Covid-19 came from overseas from China. It started from a rodent AKA a bat. It started to spread and has now killed 23,000 people.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Phillip was really known for being the father of Alexander The Great, but he was also an accomplished king and military commander.  Phillip took a weak, backward country and turned it into a powerhouse.

Alex was the son of Phillip and took over his role as king in 336 BC. Alex conqurered most of the world we know today. Alex was trained by professionals such as Leonidas, Lysimachus and Aristole. Alex also tamed the untameable Bucephalus who rode with him into battle.

Darius was the last king of the Persian Empire. His empire was unstable with jealous and unreliable satraps and infected with rebellious subjects. In 334 BC, Alexander decieded to invade Persia and destroyed the city by burning it done. He later decided to pursure Darius but Darius was killed in 330 BC by his cousin Bessus.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Alexander and Bucephalus

Bucephalus was a big-headed horse. Alex won him off of a wager with his dad King Phillip the second. Bucephalus was known to be unstable and could not be tamed. Alexander promised that he would tame him and would pay for him if he failed to do so. Alexander rode him into battles for nearly two decades. Bucephalus died in 326 BC due to battle wounds.

Saturday, March 21, 2020


After the atheians lost the battle to the spartans. People began to question their values. This gave Socrates and other philosophers to swoop in and change everyones mind. He told them that you can think using logic and reason. He also stood his ground and never backed down from a fight which eventually led to his execution.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Cyber week

This cyber week has been very stressful and it is very hard. I really hope the teahcers lighten up on the work because it is too much. Us kids are used to one or two assignments in school now teachers are giving us 3 or 4 things to do. Now its also hard to turn in work because they want us to screenshot now and everything is causing great stress and i really hope teachers will understand and lighten up on the work.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Athens plans

Spartans invaded athenian territory and burned the fields and crops. Pericles then had a plan to use his fleet and shipments which carried over a disease. The disease killed a third of athenians and caused riots and other terrible events. Pericles also died from the disease in 429 BC which caused havoc in the finding a new ruler.

Monday, March 16, 2020


  Pericles was an extremely influential statesman, orator, and general of ancient Athens. He organized the Athenian Empire and commanded his people in the Peloponnesian War against the rival Greek city of Sparta. His three goals were to strengthen Athenian democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire,  to glorify Athens.

people decide on policies without any intermediary. Depending on the particular system in use, direct democracy might entail passing executive decisions, the use of sortition, making laws, directly electing or dismissing officials, and conducting trials.

 The delian league was an alliance of Greek city-states led by Athens and formed in 478 BCE to liberate eastern Greek cities from Persian rule.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Today we took notes with Mr.Cantar. Hope your feeling better mr.Schick or for whatever reason you were out but looking forward to seeing you tommorrow.

Friday, March 6, 2020


Today i will not be in class because i have a tournament starting at 3 and i decided to stay home. Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Today we took notes on three important phliosophers. We talked about Socrates, Plato, and Aristole. Socrates was a phliosopher who told the greek people to actually think instead of just knowing what they were told. Plato carried on Socrates's ideas by creating his own academy. Aristole then followed Plato and created his own academy too.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Today we went over Sparta and athens fighting the persians and how agressive the greeks were when it came to fighting. Athens had a strong navy while Sparta had a strong infantry. We also talked about the movie 300 and how it doesn't truly represnt how the war really happened.'

Monday, March 2, 2020


Today in western civ we reviewed our test that i got a 78 on. I stugguled on the map part. Today we also took notes on gods and goddess. Gods and goddess interest me and i had some good questions today in class.