Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Phillip was really known for being the father of Alexander The Great, but he was also an accomplished king and military commander.  Phillip took a weak, backward country and turned it into a powerhouse.

Alex was the son of Phillip and took over his role as king in 336 BC. Alex conqurered most of the world we know today. Alex was trained by professionals such as Leonidas, Lysimachus and Aristole. Alex also tamed the untameable Bucephalus who rode with him into battle.

Darius was the last king of the Persian Empire. His empire was unstable with jealous and unreliable satraps and infected with rebellious subjects. In 334 BC, Alexander decieded to invade Persia and destroyed the city by burning it done. He later decided to pursure Darius but Darius was killed in 330 BC by his cousin Bessus.

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